It was a year since my dog has suddenly vanished from our home and it has been 8 months since we have left our old house. We tried to look for him everywhere, we asked the authorities, neighbors, and even the internet for help but to no avail. Now all of a sudden he appears on our front door trying to make his way into the house as he has known this place for his entire life and somehow he knows that now we live here.
This happened when I was sitting in the balcony drinking my evening tea when I heard some noises coming from downstairs, intrigued by the sound I went down to investigate. There he was, standing beside my dad. My dad told me that he was knocking at the door. Looking at him, my first reaction was of astonishment and pure love for the poor creature. He looked like he has been starving, he barely have any muscles left on his body, his skin was hanging loose and his bones were visible. He looked dirty but it was ‘him’. Everybody recognized our little Rocky, he even has his collar that I bought him on his 5th birthday. He was with us since he was a tiny little puppy up until that fateful day when he disappeared without any trace. On seeing him I was so happy that nothing matters for me. I leapt towards him and grabbed him and start petting him, he seems happy but I felt some strange coldness in him. I thought maybe it was because of the weather. He had been out in the open, who knows where, so I decided to take him to the shower and get him cleaned and asked my mom to prepare a meal for him.
I was overjoyed that he came back to us after one year. I had given up all the hopes for ever seeing him again and against all odds he was here. We all were so happy that nobody was thinking about how this dog, who have left one year earlier had find us, even when we have moved from our old house, from where he had disappeared. This was a very serious question that nobody considered at the time. This question only comes in my mind when the things started happening.
It was four days after Rocky had returned and strange things started happening in the house. First thing that I noticed was odd behavior of Rocky, he never likes to sit alone he was very energetic, but I written it off as something he developed over the year living away from us. We still didn’t know where he was during that time and how he found us. On fourth day of his return, I heard some noises coming from the kitchen, I was alone in the house, so I went into the kitchen to inquire, and there he was. Rocky was sitting there eating a cat. The front door was open, maybe the cat had come from outside and Rocky has seen it going into the kitchen and killed it. I was shocked by seeing that and then he looked at me, his face grinning, blood running from the corners of his mouth, there was a kind of red gleam in his eyes. His expressions made me terrified, it was like, he was smiling at me and trying to convey some sort of message.
I was standing there mortified when I heard a knock on the door. It was behind me coming from the main door. I turned around and the door behind me which was wide open a minute ago has now being closed and locked from inside. I ran towards the door and opened it. It was a relief, my parents were standing there. I looked at them and they saw the terror in my eyes. My dad asked me what happen and then I pointed at Rocky. But to my surprise he was not there and neither the cat nor any blood. I was not able to process what was happening? Where is Rocky? Where did the cat go? Why is there no blood? These were to questions that were going through my head. I got a feeling that my head might explode.
My mom asked me “what are you pointing at?” I said “Rocky”, but he was not there. I began to tremble when he appears from back of my parents through the main door, still having that wicked smile on his face but curiously the blood has vanished. On seeing me trembling, my parents took me to my room where they asked me what had happened. I told them everything and ask them to take Rocky away from the house. They said I might have some misunderstanding and mistakenly took something else for a cat body and blood, but I can see in their eyes too, they knew it was real and they knew even more than I do.
The evening went without any further incident and I went back to my room to sleep. It was late in night when I heard the scream. It was coming from downstairs. I leapt from my bed and started running to the stairs. It was dark in the hallway I turned on the lights and ran towards my parents’ room and ‘he’ was standing there.
There was blood all over the place and dismembered bodies of my parents were lying on the bed. Rocky looked at me, on seeing that creature which I thought was Rocky, my throat went dry, my heart started pounding and my legs froze. He was standing on two feet, his eyes were glowing like a molten rock. He has claws for hands and he looked directly into my eyes and said “now its your turn”.
He started moving towards me from the other end of the room and I don’t know how, but I gathered all my strength and ran for my life.
Fortunately the door wasn’t locked, I flung open the door and ran. I ran till I hadn’t reached the cops. I never even once looked back to see if it was following me or not, so I do not know where it went after killing my parents.
know you will find it hard to believe, doctor, but I’m not insane and I’m telling you the truth, I did not killed my parents, it was that creature who killed them.